
R.E.D. Canada Ltd. is one of the largest buying and marketing groups of foodservice equipment and products in Canada. Our distributors are able to combine their negotiating power in order to get the best prices available from manufacturers, passing on their savings and value to you, the foodservice operator.
Founded in 1933 by Sam Anoff, the Foodservice Equipment Distributors Association (FEDA) is the nationally recognized association for foodservice equipment and supplies dealers. FEDA members sell the equipment and supplies that food service operators use to prepare and sell food in a restaurant, or institution such as a hospital, nursing home, prison, military, or business in-house feeding. Nearly 300 firms are members from across North America. They represent a majority of the giants in the industry as well as many small and medium-size dealerships.
Since its founding in 1944, Restaurants Canada (formerly Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association) has grown to more than 30,000 members across the country. Through advocacy, research, member savings and industry events, we help our members in every Canadian community grow and prosper. Restaurants Canada members represent every sector of Canada’s vibrant and innovative foodservice industry, including restaurants, bars, cafeterias, coffee shops, and contract and social caterers. We also welcome suppliers to our industry as associate members of Restaurants Canada.
Now in our 77th year, the Ontario Camps Association (OCA) has played an important leadership role in promoting and encouraging children and youth camping in Ontario. The OCA is a voluntary, non-profit organization that draws its membership from camps, individuals and like-minded organizations and agencies, all devoted to maintaining high standards for organized camping, and to sharing information and ideas that maintain these standards.
Resorts of Ontario represents many fine Ontario resorts that are focused on making your vacation a wonderful experience. Resorts of Ontario member resorts, lodges, country inns, American Plan resort hotels and housekeeping cottage resorts offer four season vacation opportunities and accommodations equated with quality and value.