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True-Residential TUF-24-R-SS-C Stainless Door - 2 Wire Shelves - Hinge Right (R)
True-Residential TUF-24-R-SS-C Stainless Door - 2 Wire Shelves - Hinge Right (R)
True-Residential TUF-24-R-SS-C Stainless Door - 2 Wire Shelves - Hinge Right (R)

True-Residential TUF-24-R-SS-C Stainless Door - 2 Wire Shelves - Hinge Right (R)

$7,713.00 $7,198.54 Each


Adding even more flexibility to your space, True Undercounter Freezers provide a way to store your frozen items where you need them. Both door and drawer models are UL-rated for outdoor use making these units the ideal addition to your home, both indoor and out.

  • Industry exclusive, 300-series stainless steel interior and exterior.
  • Automatic defrost.
  • Zero-clearance hinging allows for integrated installation.
  • Patented TruLumina® LED lighting gently illuminates your product and allows you to choose from 14 different color options with the push of a button.
  • True Precision Control® with steel touch technology and readout provides digital accuracy.
  • Freezer door model offers 2 adjustable, durable, polished stainless steel shelves.
  • Freezer drawer model offers exclusive True-Glide soft-close feature.
  • Temperature as low as -4?F.
  • All undercounter models UL rated for outdoor use.
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